Our First Event Show: A Milestone for Our Store

Yesterday June 1, 2024 marked a significant milestone for our store as we participated in our very first event show - Driven Show! Thanks to an invitation from one of the director at RWB Canada, we had the incredible opportunity to set up a booth and showcase our products and services to a wider audience.

Preparation: A Race Against Time

The invitation came with less than two weeks to prepare, and we embraced the challenge head-on. Our team quickly got to work, organizing everything needed to make our booth stand out. We designed and ordered a branded tent that not only provided shelter but also prominently displayed our logo and colors. A matching table cloth added a professional touch and helped to create a cohesive look for our booth. We had crew t-shirts made for everyone working the booth. This helped us look unified and approachable to attendees.

The Event Day: Excitement and Engagement

The day of the event was filled with excitement and a palpable sense of anticipation. 

We arrived early in the morning to set up our booth. The crisp air and the buzz of other vendors setting up created an atmosphere of shared enthusiasm. Seeing our tent, table cloth, and team t-shirts come together was incredibly satisfying. It was a proud moment for all of us.

As the event kicked off, people started streaming in, and our booth quickly became a hive of activity. We had a steady flow of visitors, ranging from curious passersby to enthusiastic supporters of our brand. Engaging with them was the highlight of our day. We shared our story, showcased our products, and answered questions. The positive reactions and feedback were immensely gratifying.

To attract more people to our booth, we organized interactive demos of our top products. Watching attendees interact with our products, ask insightful questions, and express genuine interest was incredibly rewarding. Additionally, we held several giveaways throughout the day. The excitement on the faces of the winners was priceless and added a fun, dynamic element to our booth.

The event also provided an excellent opportunity for networking. We connected with other vendors, exchanged ideas, and discussed potential collaborations. These interactions were invaluable and helped us build a stronger network within the industry! (We met some new awesome friends!!!)

One of the most heartwarming aspects of the day was the team spirit. Everyone was enthusiastic, supportive, and worked seamlessly together. The camaraderie and shared sense of achievement made the experience even more special.

A Heartfelt Thank You

A huge shout out to one of the director at RWB Canada for the invitation and the opportunity to be part of such an amazing event. This experience not only boosted our confidence but also reinforced the importance of community and collaboration in business.

Reflecting on the Experience

Participating in the event show taught us a lot about preparation, teamwork, and the power of a strong brand presence. It was a great experience that we will cherish and learn from as we continue to grow and participate in more events in the future. Thank you to everyone who visited our booth and supported us. We're looking forward to many more events and opportunities to connect with our community!


Warm regards,


CMO, Horizon Diecast

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